ความท้าทายในการพัฒนาธุรกิจโรงแรมระดับ 3 ดาว เพื่อรองรับประเทศไทย 4.0


  • ผุดผ่อง อาสิงสมานันท์ นักวิชาการอิสระ


การพัฒนา, ธุรกิจโรงแรม, ประเทศไทย


This article is intended to guide the operators of 3 stars hotel business development organizations and human resource development organizations to carry out activities to support the country under “Thailand 4.0”. The “Thailand 4. 0” has set its vision to develop economic policy to achieve stability, prosperity and sustainability. Therefore, the 3 Stars hotel businesses will have to adjust their business model to secure a competitive advantage. This will require the preparation of human resources with knowledge. skills and abilities that are universal. The need to understand technology as well as philanthropy and corporate social responsibility has led the development of such concepts. For example, the doctrinal changes of Kurt Levin consist of three steps: Step 1 is the melting behavior, including creating awareness for the agency. The organization has to know the reason for the change.  Step 2 is when the organization development changes its operations. The team work and especially the leadership transition is necessary to proceed. And, Step 3 is the treatment to change. The changes that are made must perform consistently as well as be culturally integrated to the challenges of the entrepreneurship of the 3 Stars hotel business. Additionally, steps must be made to change and develop the 3-star hotel business’s organizational value creation so that it is done both economically and with utility so that the values ​​that will enable hotel operators to meet the needs of its customers with quality.





