An Integrated Ethical Leadership Model for School Administrators of TheOfficeof the Basic Education Commission

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สุทัด จันทะสินธุ์


This research aimed to study the ethical leadership factors of school administrators for to create and develop a model of integrated ethical leadership for school administrators by using quantitative and qualitative researches. The research was carried out into two phases; in the first phase, it aimed to study ethical leadership factors of school administrators by reviewing relevant documents and research papers and conducting school administrators focus group discussion. The questionnaire was also used to collect data from school administrators in educational institution to do factor analysis. The study of best practices were done by structural interview school administrators who had reputation in good ethical and moral practices.  Phase two aimed to create and develop the model of integrated ethical leadership of school administrators through the assessment and evaluation process by experts and specialists. Target sample group in this study includes 400 school administrators in the name of  the Primary Educational Service Area Office in 8 provinces in upper northern area. Statistics used to analyze quantitative data in this research are ; frequency distribution, percentage, analysis of mean ( ), standard deviation (S.D.) and Procedures of Qualitative Content Analysis

            The results revealed that factors associated in the ethical leadership among school administrators consist of four dimensions of factor namely; administration, relationship management, change management and ethical management.Models of integrated ethical leadership of school administrators consist of threedimensions namely; EthicalTask Management dimension 15 elements, Ethical Relationships Management dimension 14 elementsEthical Change Management dimension 12 elements

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Research Articles
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สุทัด จันทะสินธุ์, Educational leadership and Human Resource Development



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