Motivation, Organizational Culture, Learning Organization and Private School Effectiveness: Path Analysis


  • Narong Yupan โรงเรียนอนุบาลมิ่งขวัญ
  • Taweesit Traivichit Faculty of Public Administration Institute of Technology, Ayothaya
  • Wiroon Intrasinghathong Pensioner


Motivation, Organizational Culture, Learning Organization, Private School Effectiveness


          The objective of this research was to study the paths and the influences of motivation, organizational culture and learning organization affecting private school effectiveness in the north of Thailand. The population was 19,845 owners of school’s license, school directors and teachers. The samples were 900 owners of school’s license, school directors and teachers from 180 private schools in the north of Thailand under the Office of the Private Education Commission by multistage random sampling.  The data were collected by using the 6 rating scale questionnaires and analyzed by using mean ( ), standard deviation (SD), Pearson correlation coefficient (r), path analysis and multiple regression.

           The research found that the levels of motivation, organizational culture, learning organization and private school effectiveness in the north of Thailand were at a high level. The correlations between motivation, organizational culture, learning organization and private school effectiveness were at a positive level and highly statistically significant at .01. Motivation, organizational culture and learning organization impinged upon private school effectiveness with high significant at .01. All of them were able to predict private school effectiveness statistically significant at .01 at 89.20 percent.


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How to Cite

Yupan, N., Traivichit, T., & Intrasinghathong, W. (2018). Motivation, Organizational Culture, Learning Organization and Private School Effectiveness: Path Analysis. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 12(1), 249–259. Retrieved from



Research Article