ความเป็นเมืองในชุมชนรอบข้างมหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏร้อยเอ็ด/Urbanization in the surrounding Roi Et Rajabhat University’s communities


  • ชนาใจ หมื่นไธสง Roi Et Rajabhat University


urbanization, adaptation of the impact of urbanization, strengthening community.



The objective of this article is to study Urbanization in the surrounding Roi Et Rajabhat University’s communities. This is qualitative research; data collection was conducted by in-depth interviews including, private dormitory owners (former community,  leaders), private dormitory owners (retired civil servants), high-level officials from planning and policy department, the owner of the restaurant, president of Tha Muang Municipality local government organization, senior officer Roi Et Rajabhat University, Provost, cleanliness staff of Roi Et Rajabhat University, acting president of subdistrict municipality former community leader, former leader of local government organization (owner of market), with,  12 selected people, during November 2016 to February 2017.

The research found the adaptation of rural communities from the impact of urbanization: study of the community surrounding Roi Et Rajabhat University, Thailand, included 4 models 1) Adaptation to modernization and social mobility. When higher education institutions have set up in the area,   it is starting the ‘urbanization’ into the community which allowed children to have more chance to access to education. 2) The  network between communities and Roi Et Rajabhat University had occurred because the people in the area and the group of administrators who are  the university’s founder came from the same area and have relationship in the form of kinship which cause the cooperation in the network type , especially in term of the caring the students and the cooperation. 3) Strengthening community and stabilization of Buddhism .This community consists of formal and informal leaders, including people in this area. These people  supported the establishment of the university. For stabilization of Buddhism, in the past, the villagers in the community, both men and women, regularly participated in temple activities. Women participate in prayers, and receive awards from the contest. Currently, the villagers who worked in another cities  returns to their hometown and  convince their former employers in Bangkok to travel to make merit in the area where he lived in the manner of making merit, Kathin or ramie in order to earn money into the temple that they believed. 4) Coping with income risks when faced with the uncertainty of student numbers. The number of students decreases when the university is closed causing the lack of the income of the community . For this reason the villagers must have the career in agriculture to support their living.

Key Words: urbanization, adaptation of the impact of urbanization,  strengthening community.


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How to Cite

หมื่นไธสง ช. (2018). ความเป็นเมืองในชุมชนรอบข้างมหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏร้อยเอ็ด/Urbanization in the surrounding Roi Et Rajabhat University’s communities. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (HUSOKKU), 35(3), 238–268. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HUSO/article/view/148735


