Green Tea Consumption Prevented Iron Overload: A Case Report of Thalassemia Intermedia


  • Arunee Jetsrisuparb Jetsrisuparb Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University
  • Patcharee Komwilaisak Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University
  • Surapon Wiangnon Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University


Green tea, Thalassemia, Iron overload, Iron chelation, ชาเขียว, ธาลัสซีเมีย, ภาวะธาตุเหล็กเกิน, การขับธาตุเหล็ก


Abstract: This is the first report of commercially available green tea preparation preventing iron overload in a thalassemia intermedia patient. After 11 months drinking 2 cups of infusion green tea made from one tea bag daily, the serum ferritin decreased from 1,090 mcg/L to 600 mcg/L. A 5-year follow-up with serial measurement of ferritin revealed that green tea consumption might prevent iron overload in thalassemia intermedia patient. No other side effect, except low serum zinc, was found.





รายงานผู้ป่วย (Case report)