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The recommender application for safety in industrial factory on mobile application is proposed to develop the basic industrial safety on mobile application and to evaluate users satisfaction on the recommender application for safety in industrial factory on mobile application, the users is student in KMUTNB and general public total 63 users. The research instruments were the recommender application for safety in industrial factory on mobile application and the satisfaction questionnaire of users on the recommender application for safety in industrial factory on mobile application (IOC: +18). The statistics that used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, means and standard deviation.
The result showed that the mobile application could search for the data by using keyword or search from the recommender topic of safety. The recommender topic of safety can be divided into two classifications such as general and specialization. The assessment of users satisfaction on the recommender application for safety in industrial factory on mobile application by using, the users had the satisfaction in the ‘Good’ level ( = 4.07, S.D. = 0.69), for the data searching system, the users had the satisfaction in the ‘Good’ level (
= 4.12, S.D. = 0.85), and for the recommender data, the users had the satisfaction in the ‘Good’ level (
= 4.14, S.D. = 0.79), The conclusion of evaluate users satisfaction on the recommender application for safety in industrial factory on mobile application, the users have ‘Good’ level (
= 4.11, S.D. = 0.77).
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