A Study of Different Generations in the Need for Flexible Benefits : A Case Study of Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commissions of Thailand (NBTC)


  • ณภัค อินทรานนท์ Office of The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission
  • พีรเศรษฐ์ ชมภูมิ่ง


Benefits, Flexible benefits, Generation


This research aims to study the need for flexible benefits of the state enterprise officers working for Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (ONBTC). The number of subjects that constitute a study is 375 ONBTC officers, including permanent and contract officers. The findings of the present study indicate that a high level of benefit satisfaction towards the majority of female subjects with master degree are health and security benefits, welfare benefits, economic benefits, and social benefits respectively. Moreover, it is interesting to note that the subjects also have needs for flexible benefits. Specifically, if the organization implements the flexible benefits reform policy, the subjects most interested flexible benefits that they wish to be offered is provident fund. Considering the results of hypothesis test, the data that there was no significant differences between each aspect of benefit level satisfaction and generations. However, having made the comparison between the subjects’ needs for flexible benefits and generations differentiated by year of birth (Baby Boomers vs. Gen X vs Gen Y) and by the integration of tech-savvy into daily life (Generation C), it is interesting to note that these different generations affect to different needs for flexible benefits. Given the comparison between the needs for flexible benefits and demographic data, the results show that the differences in gender, position, income, and education have no bearing on the differences in the need for flexible benefits. However, the differences in marital status and years of work leads to differences in the need for flexible benefits.

Similarly, it is important to note that the differences in the need for flexible benefits are found in the emerging generations differentiated by the integration of tech-savvy into daily life (Generation C).

On the contrary, it is important to note that the differences in the need for flexible benefits have not found in the emerging generations differentiated by the integration of tech-savvy usage into daily life (Generation C).


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How to Cite

อินทรานนท์ ณ., & ชมภูมิ่ง พ. (2018). A Study of Different Generations in the Need for Flexible Benefits : A Case Study of Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commissions of Thailand (NBTC). Journal of Digital Communications, 2(2), 193–214. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/NBTC_Journal/article/view/135198



Research article