The Effect of Research-based Learning on the Achievement in Statistics Course and Research Skills of Undergraduate Student

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อาฟีฟี ลาเต๊ะ


Using research-based learning to develop the achievement in statistics course and research
skills were conducted with 29 Information Technology and Educational Evaluation students at the
Faculty of Education, Prince of Songkla University Pattani campus. The course composed of the
sections of theories, practices and research project with research paper in the parallel form. The
finding revealed that the mean of the achievement in statistics course was above 80 percent and
the research skills after learning were statistical significantly higher than those before at the .01
level, as well as the students’ reflection on the learning logs in this course that they said a clearer
research and they also need to understand the basic statistics when they learned this course. And
also show their potential and got experienced both inside and outside class to be proud of their
work. Moreover, their research paper could be presented to the national conference including
only graduate students and the faculty.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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