Development the Clip Lock for Strap Sterile Operating Microscope Drape and Evaluation of its Effectiveness

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Tamakorn Pongsukwetchakul
Natthacha Chiannilkulchai


This study aimed at developing a clip lock for strapping to an operating microscope drape, as well as evaluating its effectiveness. The study was conducted in two phases: design and development, and evaluation. The sample consisted of 36 operating nurses and six orthopedic surgeons in a tertiary hospital selected by convenience sampling. Instruments, including the record of problems in using clip lock form, and the clip lock evaluation form, were used to elicit the participants’ opinions regarding use of the clip lock. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics. The results showed a consensus that the devised clip lock was effective in all aspects. For each aspect, the valuable of the clip lock was rated as the highest mean score, and the ease of locking-unlocking of the device was rated as the lowest mean score. The most common problem of using the clip lock was applying the clip lock on the wrong side of the clip lock, resulting in delays in re-attaching it on the correct side. Nevertheless, the clip lock can be strapped to the operating microscope drape easily and protects the drape from falling into the surgical area, which helps to reduce surgical site infection. A recommendation for further development is to lengthen the lock to close and open easily for increased convenience of use.

Keywords: Medical device, Operating microscope drape, Contamination, Effectiveness evaluation, Clip lock

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How to Cite
Pongsukwetchakul T, Chiannilkulchai N. Development the Clip Lock for Strap Sterile Operating Microscope Drape and Evaluation of its Effectiveness. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2018 Oct. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 2];24(2):163-77. available from:


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