Patient’s satisfaction and acceptance with medical students involvement in gynecology outpatient clinic at Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen


  • Pranom Buppasiri
  • Tawanwong Rattanasiri
  • Chompilas Chongsomchai
  • Srinaree Kaewlaudee
  • Pilaivan Kaebkaew
  • Rattana Komvilaisak



Background; In obstetrics and gynecology discipline, the fourth-year medical students have to                              practice  vaginal            examination in the patient under supervision to increase                                      their experiences. Vaginal examination is quite troubles both physically and                                              mentally for the patient.

Objective: To assess patient’s satisfaction and acceptance with the fourth-year medical                                     students involvement in gynecology outpatient clinic

Study design:        Descriptive study

Method: Three hundreds female patients, who had been taken history, conducted physical                             examination and per vaginal examination by the fourth-year medical students                              under supervision were asked to response the questionnaires during November 1,                               2003  and  June 30, 2004.

Results: Eighty nine per cent (264 in 296,    95% CI 84.95-92.38) gynecologic outpatients                           satisfied and accepted in the role of medical students to take history of illness,                            conduct physical examination including per vaginal examination under                                                 supervision. There were  small number of patients (4.7%  ,  95% CI 2.71-7.99)                                 unsatisfied with medical student involvement.

Conclusion: Most of gynecologic outpatients satisfied and accepted in medical students’ role                               and recognize it was the essential part in teaching and leaning in medicine .There                               were small number of patients still did not accept this practice . Therefore,  the                           public or customers should be clearly informed about the faculty’s policy and                              role of  the hospital in  both academic training center and service center position.

In addition, shaping up medical student’s performance is also crucial factor to                            gain patient’s acceptance.


How to Cite

Buppasiri P, Rattanasiri T, Chongsomchai C, Kaewlaudee S, Kaebkaew P, Komvilaisak R. Patient’s satisfaction and acceptance with medical students involvement in gynecology outpatient clinic at Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen. SRIMEDJ [internet]. 2013 Nov. 25 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];21(2):90-8. available from:



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