Lymphatic Mapping and Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy inBreast Cencer


  • Anan Sripanuskul


Background : The acceptable standard of surgicalmanagement of breast cancer is the complete resection of the primary tumour mass including an adequate surrounding normal tissue and whole axillary node clearance. However currently there is a trend towards minimally invasive avoiding unnecessarydissection and reducing the after affected morbidity of surgery.Sentinel node biopsy (SLN) is recently developed as a minimallyInvasive technique in staging of the axially nodes. Several methods and materials have been employed for lymphatic       mapping but there is still no consensus on the most reliable andreproducible technique.
To search for the techniques available for axiallylymphatic mapping suitable for sentinel lymph node biopsy and axially node staging
All available literatures in the medical library of  KhonKaen university are reviewed. Data reported are collected compared and contrast. Conclusion of suitable methods and techniques is made.
Result :
There are three methods of lymphatic mapping for sentinel node biopsy available : 4 papers in vital dye technique.4 papers in scintigraphy and gama probe and 3 papers using the two combined techniques.
SLN biopsy is a valid information in predicting the axillary node. This is an invaluable information for the management of breast cancer. Vital dye and radiocolloid are the two techniques appear in the literatures. Both are comparable in sensitivity and reliability. However the optimal technique seems to be the combination of the two methods. Although sentinel node biopsy can predict the staging of the axillary nodes status and  this is very helpful in the management of breast cancer. lt is still not widely used. There is then some need in the long run to compare the end results of breast cancer management when using the exillary clearance regimen and that of much less inva-sive sentinel node.

Keyword: (1) Lymphatic Mapping (2) Lymph Node Biopsy (3)  Breast Cancer


How to Cite

Sripanuskul A. Lymphatic Mapping and Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy inBreast Cencer. SRIMEDJ [internet]. 2013 Nov. 21 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];14(3):161-5. available from:



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