Postero-anterior Pressure Technique for Lubar Intervertebral Disc Herniation


  • Rungthip Puntumetakul
  • Uraiwon Chatchawan
  • Supaporn Phadungkit
  • Yodchai Boonprakop
  • Jaturat Kapittaya
  • Preeda Arrayavichanon
  • Jaruwon Chokkanapitak
  • Woongthisak Boonphongsathin
  • Punnee Pungsuwon
  • Jitjaroen Chaiyakum
  • Vollop Loapaiboon
  • Sukit Saengnipanthul
  • Petcharakorn Hanpanich
  • Kingpetch Wongpichet
  • Pirom Rajatanun


Background : Physical therapy treatment is one of the treatment used for the management of lumbar disc herniation and become more popular during resent years. Loss of function of lumbar spine is an essential problem for the back pain patient. Manual therapists sometimes select the technique of postero-anterior pressure (PA) to gain range in lumbar movements.

Objectives : To measure the effect of postero-anterior pressure technique on lumbar spine movement in lumbar disc herniation

Design : An experimental study

Setting : Srinagarind Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University

Subjects and Methods : Forty patients who were diagnosed with lumbar disc herniation by Orthopaedics and Radiologists. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to a gold standard for diagnoses. Subjects were randomly assigned to a treatment or control group. The treatment group received both the lumbar traction and the postero-anterior pressures technique. The control group received only the lumbar traction.

Measurements : The measurements consists of pain scale using the visual analogue, trunk movement and straight leg raising (SLR) using the inclinometer.

Results : A Mann-Whitney U-test and Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) revealed no significant difference between groups in the pain level. A repeated measure ANOVA no showed no significant difference between groups both trunk movements and SLR degrees. Even though, the results of the pain scale, the trunk movements and the SLR in the treatment group were not found to be significant difference from the control group but there were a tendency.

Conclusion : This study is the first study providing support for the use of postero-anterior



How to Cite

Puntumetakul R, Chatchawan U, Phadungkit S, Boonprakop Y, Kapittaya J, Arrayavichanon P, Chokkanapitak J, Boonphongsathin W, Pungsuwon P, Chaiyakum J, Loapaiboon V, Saengnipanthul S, Hanpanich P, Wongpichet K, Rajatanun P. Postero-anterior Pressure Technique for Lubar Intervertebral Disc Herniation. SRIMEDJ [internet]. 2013 Nov. 22 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];16(4):239-50. available from:



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