Incidences and Reporting vs. Under-Reporting Needle Stick Injury and Exposure to Body Fluids among Medical Student’s Clinical Practice


  • Maliwan Tengsujaritkul
  • Nattawut Mingkhwan
  • Thanakorn Wannakul
  • Piyanut Ratanakoset
  • Thanawut Thurkrathok
  • Sudarad Hongchoktawee
  • Somdej Pinitsoontorn
  • Manop Kanato


Background and objectives: Needle stick injury (NSI) or exposures to patients’ body fluids are the second most common work-related accidents among medical students and yet these are under-reported. This study aims to examine the incidence of NSI or exposure to patients’ body fluids among the 4thyear medical students at Srinagarind hospital.

Methods: This study was descriptive study. There were 150 4th year medical students who worked in Srinagarind hospital during March 2012 -February 2013 completed the questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics included frequency, percentage, mean, SD, median, IQR and 95% CI.

Results: Response rate was 91.3% (137/150). The combined prevalence of NSI or exposure to body fluids was 52.6% (n=72) [95%CI 45.7, 63.2].The incidence of non-reporters was 65.3% (n=47) because they thought (a) the injury was not serious and the risk of severe infection was low (33.8%) (b) the laboratory result was negative (24.8%) or (c) the process is too cumbersome (24.1%). Over one-third (34.7%; n=25) [95%CI 24.1, 46.9] reported an incident because (a) they were afraid of severe infection (31.9%) (b) did not yet know the laboratory sample (23.6%) and (c) the laboratory result was positive (18.1%).

Conclusions: The Incidence more than a half of population studies and two-third is under-reporting. The main reasons for under-reporting were the injury was not considered serious and the risk of infection was considered low. The factor most associated with reporting was fear of severe infection.

Keyword: Incidences, Needle stick injury, body substance, medical student


How to Cite

Tengsujaritkul M, Mingkhwan N, Wannakul T, Ratanakoset P, Thurkrathok T, Hongchoktawee S, Pinitsoontorn S, Kanato M. Incidences and Reporting vs. Under-Reporting Needle Stick Injury and Exposure to Body Fluids among Medical Student’s Clinical Practice. SRIMEDJ [internet]. 2013 Nov. 27 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];28(4):186. available from:



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