The 4th Year Medical Student Of Khon Kaen University’s Opinions Toward a Comprehensive Examination for the Academic Year 2014 Regarding the Questions and Schedules


  • Patama Chapanya
  • Surachat Leeprasert
  • Pisa Phiphitaporn
  • Palita Pornwilaikun
  • Kittiwat Ratchano
  • Jathurapat Samanpong
  • Chaowasaporn Jongkatkorn
  • Pantipa Meethonglang
  • Sauwanan Bumrerraj
  • Varisara Luvira


4th year medical students, opinion, comprehensive examination, questions, schedules


Background and Objective :  One of the purposes for organizing the basic medical science comprehensive examination is for medical students to self-evaluate and prepare prior the National License step 1 examination (National licence). The student’s opinions of the examination is necessary to improve the quality of the comprehensive examination.  This study aim to  examine opinions of the 4th year medical students toward comprehensive examination’s questions and schedules.

Methods : This was a descriptive study  at Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University. A total of  252 4th year medical students of  the Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, in the academic year 2015

Newly developed  online Self-administered questionnaire.   SPSS-PC v.19 was used to analyze descriptive statistics (proportions,percentage,frequency,mean,SD)

Results : The response rate was 45.6 % (115/252). The respondents felt that 82.7% of the questions in the comprehensive examination were the clinical application whilst 17.4% were recall type of questions. The participating 4th year medical students agreed that the comprehensive examination should be a requirement for further advancement to the clinical year (76.1%) and should be continued. 45.1%of the respondents thought it was appropriate to have the comprehensive examination at four weeks prior the National Licence1 and35.4 % felt that the results of the comprehensive examination should be announced at four weeks prior the National license. The respondents’ self-study for the examination had taken more than 7 hours per day (48.6%).

Conclusion : The majority of the 4th year medical students felt that the comprehensive examination had clinical application more than recall type of questions. The majority thought announcement for the examination and outcomes should be announced at four weeks prior the National licence1 and they thought it was appropriate to have the comprehensive examination at four weeks prior the National licence1. The majority preferred self-learning prior the examination


How to Cite

Chapanya P, Leeprasert S, Phiphitaporn P, Pornwilaikun P, Ratchano K, Samanpong J, Jongkatkorn C, Meethonglang P, Bumrerraj S, Luvira V. The 4th Year Medical Student Of Khon Kaen University’s Opinions Toward a Comprehensive Examination for the Academic Year 2014 Regarding the Questions and Schedules. SRIMEDJ [internet]. 2015 Oct. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];30(5):58. available from:



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