The objectives of the Academic Journal of Architecture are as follows:

The Academic Journal of Architecture is an academic journal published by the Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University. It is established as a medium for disseminating new knowledge crucial to advancing the field of architecture and related disciplines within society. This journal serves as a platform for both academic and professional communities to support and promote progress in architecture and its associated fields in accordance with the university's mission.


In the year 2018, the academic journal previously known as "Academic Journal of Architecture Chulalongkorn University" was renamed to "Academic Journal of Architecture" with the ISSN numbers 0857-2100 (Print) and 2651-1665 (Online). In 2019, there was a change in the publication schedule of the journal. Instead of one issue per year, it started publishing two issues per year. These two issues were as follows: Volume 1 (January - June) and Volume 2 (July - December). Additionally, the journal began publishing electronically, retaining the ISSN 2651-1665 (Online). This format change started from Volume 76 onwards.

Furthermore, the journal received recognition for its quality and was categorized as a Tier 2 journal by the Thai-Journal Citation Index (TCI).


*Starting from 2023 (B.E.2566), the journal aims to upgrade its tier and enter SCOPUS. Therefore, AJA accepts articles in both Thai and English and has revised its referencing system to APA 7th edition. This requires authors to prepare references and bibliographies exclusively in English.


The scope of content and disciplines considered for publication in the Academic Journal of Architecture includes research articles, academic papers, critiques, essays, translations, and articles summarizing academic contributions to serving society. These contributions are related to the field of architecture and associated disciplines, and they should maintain high-quality standards. Submissions can be in either the Thai or English language.

  • History and Theory of Architecture
  • Cultural Heritage, Cultural Environment, Thai Architecture, and Local Architecture
  • Conservation of Architecture and Communities Technology, Innovation, and Architectural Management
  • Architectural Design, Interior Architecture, Industrial Design
  • Urban Community Design, Regional, and Urban Planning
  • Housing Development
  • Architectural Education
  • Related topics in the Architectural field


Publication Schedule

The academic journal of architecture is scheduled to be published twice a year as follows:

Volume 1: January - June (Published by June 30th)

Volume 2: July - December (Published by December 31st)


Article Evaluation

Articles submitted for publication will undergo evaluation by three qualified experts in the relevant field through a Double-blind peer review process.



The evaluation of articles for AJA is conducted with strict adherence to academic ethics (details available here), and authors must verify and sign the attached form along with their submission of academic work (click here for more information)


Submission fees

AJA does not charge any submission fees to authors. However, once an article has been peer-reviewed if an author requests to withdraw the publication, the author will be responsible for covering any compensation fees incurred by the qualified reviewers, as supported by actual payment records.

AJA - Academic Journal of Architecture CALL FOR PAPERS


Invitation to Submit Articles for Publication in the Journal of Architectural Studies (AJA)

We cordially invite submissions of articles for publication consideration in the Journal of Architectural Studies (AJA).

Articles can be submitted throughout the year /  three qualified reviewers / Authors can expect to receive prompt acknowledgment upon completion of the review process.

No. 79 (2024): July - December

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