The Literacy Written Construction by H.M. King Rama VI

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ไพลิน วานิชจรัสกิจ
สนิท สัตโยภาส
นราวัลย์ พูลพิพัฒน์


The research has 3 objectives. It was to study the intention in writing the tales of H.M.King Rama VI, social functional from those tales and writing techniques used. Descriptive analysis was used in this study.

It was found that H.M.King Rama VI intended to sarcastically show how Thai people looked up to westerners and western culture as well as to show social problems in Thailand during his reign. He also intended to warn Thai people to use careful consideration and wanted his tales to help entertain the readers. Social functional from his writing were found to be to educate people, to be a guidance and to entertain the readers.

Techniques used in his writing were to start with describing the incidence or describing the characters. The body of his writing were reversed sequential, sequential or according to priority. He ended his writing in happy ending, questioning, unexpected or sad ending.
He presented the body of the story through the story itself, through the character’s action, through story teller’s perception or directly by the story teller.  The scene in his writing were artificial, timeline or imaginary. There were 3 types of characters in his writing : human being, animals and imaginary characters. Conversation used in his writing were those that reflected each character’s personality, those reflected the writer’s idea and those showing characters’ disagreement.

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How to Cite
วานิชจรัสกิจ ไ., สัตโยภาส ส., & พูลพิพัฒน์ น. (2017). The Literacy Written Construction by H.M. King Rama VI. Journal of Graduate Research, 8(2), 145–158. Retrieved from
Research Article


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