The Investigation of Basic Needs of Female-to-Male (FTM) Thai Transgenders

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กนกพร อริยา
จิติมา กตัญญู
สายหยุด มูลเพ็ชร์


This mixed methods research consists of quantitative and qualitative research. The purpose of this research was to investigate the basic needs based on Maslow’s hierarchy of female – to- male (FTM) transgenders. A sample group consisted of individuals who identified themselves as FTM transgenders from the collected data by Chulalongkorn and Yan Hee Hospitals. The questionnaires concerning basic needs were distributed to 30 (FTM) transgenders for the quantitative data and eight of them were involved in the in-depth interviews.

The results revealed that the sample group had 3 needs at a high level: safety needs ( = 3.77) belongingness and love needs ( = 3.76) and esteem needs ( = 3.63). Their biological and physiological needs ( = 2.9) and self-actualization needs ( = 2.91) were found at a moderate level.

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อริยา ก., กตัญญู จ., & มูลเพ็ชร์ ส. (2018). The Investigation of Basic Needs of Female-to-Male (FTM) Thai Transgenders. Journal of Graduate Research, 9(2), 163–182. Retrieved from
Research Article


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