The Participation of Parents in Learners’ Development of Mitmuanchonchiang Mai, Chiang Dao District, Chiang Mai

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ประทุมพร น้อยทู
กุลชลี จงเจริญ


The purposes of this study were 1) to study the participation of parents in learners’ development; 2) to compare the parental participation classified by their occupation, income, and tribe; and 3) to study guidelines for the parent’s participation in learners’ development.

          The samples consisted of 183 parents at Mitmuanchon Chiang Mai School in the 2015 academic year. The research instrument was a rating-scale questionnaire, with reliability coefficient of 0.96.Thequantitative data were statistically analyzed for frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and one-way analysis of variance; while the qualitative data were analyzed by the content analysis.

          The research findings showed that (1) both overall and individual aspects of parents’ participation in learners’ development were rated at the high level, with the aspects receiving the top rating mean being those of parenting, followed by those of communicating, learning at home, and decision making respectively. (2) In general, the participation of the parents in learners’ development revealed that the participation of those with different occupations, incomes and tribes was not significantly different at the .05 level.3) The guidelines for the parent’s participation in learners’ development were as follows. The parents should develop children to help themselves. The school should add data communication channelson children’s behavior between parents and schoolteachers. The parents should participate in school activities by providinglabor force, money, food and drink or required materials. The parents should pay more attention to children’s homework. The parents should share their opinions or comments on their children development planning with the teachers and the parents should encourage their children to get involved in community development activities.

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How to Cite
น้อยทู ป., & จงเจริญ ก. (2018). The Participation of Parents in Learners’ Development of Mitmuanchonchiang Mai, Chiang Dao District, Chiang Mai. Journal of Graduate Research, 9(2), 131–149. Retrieved from
Research Article


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