Systematic Review of Aquatic Exercise Programming for Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy

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Usanee Sutthibuta


Hydrotherapy is considered as a form of treatment in children with cerebral palsy by using
the buoyancy for exercise to make children have more freedom than land-based physical activities. Previous literatures still have the limitations of quality and searching techniques were not covering the entire databases. There were not clear and no reliable conclusions about hydrotherapy’s effectiveness and clinical applications. Researcher aims to review the literatures according to ICF-CY for clinical applications, useful for further research
and practice. Eighteen articles met the criteria for inclusion and there were 3 articles in final analysis. It was shown that the previous studies were not enough to verify the effectiveness of hydrotherapy. The further study should be design the clinically relevant program for hydrotherapy in a specific purpose for children with cerebral palsy, a low level of mobility (GMFCS IV-V) and long-term follow-up treatment considerations.

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How to Cite
Sutthibuta, U. (2014). Systematic Review of Aquatic Exercise Programming for Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy. International Journal of Child Development and Mental Health, 2(1), 49–66. retrieved from
Review Articles