The result of the development of the process of value building and behavioral model on the case of online social media in accordance with Buddhist psychology


  • พุทธชาติ แผนสมบุญและคณะ Faculty of Humanities, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


value, behavioral model, Buddhist psychology, online social media


This qualitative research study aimed to examine a result of the development of the process of value building and behavioral model on the case of online social media among novices (Samanera) in accordance with Buddhist psychology. Data were collected from educational administrators, teachers, and novices of the same institution. Area of the research was the Ecclesiastic School of Wat Phradhatu Chaehaeng, Nan Province. Content analysis was applied.

Based the framework of the Four Mental Developments (Catu bhāvanā) analysis, findings are as follows. First, on physical development, the novices used online social media to develop themselves more than entertainment, able to control themselves in using media relying on their creative advantage. Second, on moral development, pleasant speech has been used in communication, polite in speaking, meaning messages have been sent, keeping vigilance of statements in proper time and place in order to extend friendship. Third, on emotional development, trained in development of mindfulness and meditation to restraint emotion, able to control themselves in using three sides of media, free themselves from friends’ influence, guardians with realization of themselves. Fourth, on wisdom development, resulting from direct experiences of project training, made them realize true usage of media yielding a result of building new culture in their institution. Moreover, empirical changes have been found in terms of group leadership, member network, and sustainable activity participation.

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How to Cite

แผนสมบุญและคณะ พ. (2018). The result of the development of the process of value building and behavioral model on the case of online social media in accordance with Buddhist psychology. Local Administration Journal, 11(3), 39–56. retrieved from