Development Learning Achievement and the Practice Based on the Religious Doctrine in the First Strand : Religion, Morality and Ethics Learning Activity Management by Using Project Work of Prathomsuksa 5 Students

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ส้มโอ อ่องประกฤติ
สุดาพร ปัญญาพฤกษ์
เพ็ญพิศุทธิ์ ใจสนิท


The objectives of this research were to compare the learning achievement in the
frst strand : Religion, Morality and Ethics including to study the practice based on
the religious doctrine of prathomsuksa 5 students. The population of this study was 26
students in prathomsuksa 5 students at Ban Chim Pree School under Chiang Mai Primary
Educational Service Area Offce 5 in Doi Tao district, Chiang Mai province. The research
instruments drawn for this study were a learning plan, a learning achievement test, an
evaluation form on the practice based on the religious doctrine, and a questionnaire on
the satisfaction. The data were analyzed by using mean and percentage.
The results ofthestudy were found that studentswholearnt byusingproject work
on the topic of “The Important Buddhist Days” had the higher average score than before
learning at 8.19 or 27.31%. The practice based on the religious doctrine was at the highest
level (μ = 4.62) and the overall satisfaction of students on learning by using project work
was at the highest level (μ = 4.61).

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Research Articles