Analysis of Solid Waste Management and Strategies for Bangkok Metropolitan

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Palika Wannawilai
Chamlong Poboon
Jantana Maneein


This study aimed to examine and analyze strategic gaps and the environment of waste management of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) in order to suggest suitable waste management strategies for Bangkok Metropolitan. The study was conducted by interviewing BMA and districts’ administrators and officers, local leaders and people, and private sectors, conducting a focus group, as well as reviewing relevant documents. The data was analyzed by applying Gap analysis and SWOT analysis. The proposed five strategies are: 1) enhancement of efficiency in solid waste and hazardous waste management; 2) discipline, participation and responsibility of citizens and all sectors related to waste management; 3) appropriate and integrated waste management; 4) capacity building for BMA’s staff and improvement of solid waste management system; and 5) research and development of knowledge and technology in waste management. The study also suggested driving approaches for effective implementation of the strategies.

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How to Cite
Wannawilai, P., Poboon, C., & Maneein, J. (2017). Analysis of Solid Waste Management and Strategies for Bangkok Metropolitan. Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 15(2), 1–12. retrieved from
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