Contemporary Isan Folk Music of Paradise Bangkok Molam International Band

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อาทิตย์ กระจ่างศรี
จตุพร สีม่วง


The purpose of this research is to study the concept of music creation and performance adopted by the‘Paradise Bangkok Morlam International Band’. The band performs contemporary Isan Folk music which incorporates traditional Isan instruments phin and khaen,with drum kit, electric bass and congas that have western origins. In this blended context, the Isan instruments play the primary melodies and the western instruments play accompanying roles in laying out the rhythm.  The primary creative act is in combining ancient Isan folk song (plengpuenbaan Isan boran) with western rhythms. The band has released two albums: ‘21st Century Molam’ and ‘Planet Lam’.

Improvisation plays a significant role in performance, but improvisations are strongly linked to the underlying melodic pattern of the song. Bass and drums coordinate stylist aspects of the rhythm and provide cues to the structure by indicating to other musicians when to change sections during performance. Performances follow a generic formula which includes instrumental solo and ensemble sections. The composition and arrangements of the band reproduces Isan folk song in fusion with western music. For example, the song called "plengkwang noi chaoleh" is performed at a fast tempo andcombinesthe khaen melodic structure called " lai noi" with rhythms derived from reggae and disco. Khaen plays the melody in Am.  The song has four main sections which are, the intro, main melody, bridge and outro.

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How to Cite
กระจ่างศรี อ., & สีม่วง จ. (2018). Contemporary Isan Folk Music of Paradise Bangkok Molam International Band. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 10(2), 23–45. retrieved from
Research Articles


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