Opinion on participation in group music activities for elderly : A case study in Nongwang Trachoo 2 Community, Khon Kaen.

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วิชญ์ บุญรอด
พรพรรณ แก่นอำพรพันธ์
ภัทรวุฒิ วัฒนศัพท์


The purpose of this research was to study the elderly’s opinion on participating in music activities with others. The target group was studied by 8 elders from NongWangTrachue 2 community, Muang, KhonKaen, the inclusion criteria were age between 60 – 75 years with ability for self-care, and without difficulty to participate in the activity. The material of this research consisted of a musical instrument called “Bamboo Bell” with 5 music programs and sheet designed in particular for elderly people. Data was collected using questionnaire of experiences on participating in elderly music activities by interviewing for opinions on participating music activities together with the others. Results showed that the elderly was satisfied to participate with others as it was encouraging good relationship among people in the community and made them feels relaxed, enjoyable, people meeting, taking and interacting with the others. Moreover, it also reinforced the quality of life in mind, body and social aspect.

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บุญรอด ว., แก่นอำพรพันธ์ พ., & วัฒนศัพท์ ภ. (2018). Opinion on participation in group music activities for elderly : A case study in Nongwang Trachoo 2 Community, Khon Kaen. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 10(2), 46–67. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/fakku/article/view/166388
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