Music of Nyah Kur Ethnic Group in Chaiyaphum Province

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เจริญจิตต์ แว่นทิพย์
สุรพล เนสุสินธุ์


           There were two objectives of the study of music of Nyah Kur ethnic group in Chaiyaphum Province: 1) to study the forms of music of Nyah Kur at Bann Nam Lad, Na Yang Klag Sub-distrcit, Thep Sathit District, Chaiyaphum Province and 2) to study the changes of music of Nyah Kur at Bann Nam Lad, Na Yang Klag Sub-distrcit, Thep Sathit District, Chaiyaphum Province.  The study was conducted by studying the documents and collecting the field data from the population and related people. The results revealed that, the form of the music of Nyah Kur was strophic. It was the style of the song with the same melody repeatedly played throughout the song. The technique of vibrato was used to decorate beautiful melody. The theme of the songs was about courtship, flirtation and enquiring and answering questions. In addition, Isan folk literature was adapted as the lyrics.  Nyah Kur language was also used. Another form of Nyah Kur music was binary.  It was the song consisting of two sections. The theme of the songs was about enquiring and answering questions. The songs that were found included Pa Re Re, Reak Sao Klab Jak Rai, Hae Dok Pueng, Siang Chanee and Siang Guang.

         According to the changes of Nyah Kur music, it was changed according to the trend. Thai language was used. It was strophic form. It was the style of the song with the same melody repeatedly played which may be different. The songs that had been changed included the songs named Farang, Jam Mam and Jai Nang. The musical instruments were also changed since the new generation cannot play the instruments.  Only the elderly can play them. The music instruments included white cheesewood leaf, Tone Din and Kol-lor. The Nyah Kur band that was changed was Ramwong Nyah Kur Band which usually played in various events and festivals.

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How to Cite
แว่นทิพย์ เ., & เนสุสินธุ์ ส. (2019). Music of Nyah Kur Ethnic Group in Chaiyaphum Province. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 10(2), 92–111. retrieved from
Research Articles


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