The Study Changed Of Villages Name and Identites is Reflected to Maha Sarakham Province

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มนตรี ศรีราชเลา


           The Study changed of Villages Names and Identities is reflected to Mahasarakram Province research employed qualitative methods. This research aimed to 1) To study the name of the village Mahasarakram Province 2) The changed of Villages Names Mahasarakram Province 3) The Identities is reflected of Villages Mahasarakram Province. The areas of this research were the village Mahasarakram Province. The methodology of this research included two stages. The key methods for data collection were the study of documents, observation, interviews, and focus groups with stakeholders; Mahasarakram Culture board committees, Administrative and Organization. Data analysis was presented descriptively.

           The research findings showed 1) The name of the village is to each of the different villagers. It communicates that people know the place is geographically Include (Kheang Honk Nong Khaong Boank Kod) such as the history; named the first village that Kud Yang later renamed as the Nang Yai. Naming the geography of the village will begin with (Phu Kong Noon Include Bang Phu Na Bang Kong-Ko Bang Noon- Sri) and the name of the village nature species Include (Til village Mong village Kri-Nong village Mee village Kee-Leak village Keay village

           The changed of villages names and identities is reflected to Mahasarakram Province research findings showed 1) The change is influenced by the central language. for well-word, the belief of the meaning of words. Each village name reflects the community because The village name reflects the history and importance of that place in the past. The village name is popular Mueang. The culture of the village name in Mahasarakram reflects the choice of location; Popular in the highlands, Abundance, nearly river and security.The identity of village name change in Mahasarakram province. In addition to media people know the place. It also reflects the background of the village in various aspects as well.  

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How to Cite
ศรีราชเลา ม. (2018). The Study Changed Of Villages Name and Identites is Reflected to Maha Sarakham Province. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 10(2), 112–123. retrieved from
Research Articles


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