Sang Sin Chai: using folk-literature in the process of creating community-based theatre

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พชญ อัคพราหมณ์


            Sang Sin Chai was a masterpiece literature in the era of the Lao Lan Chang Kingdom  which still has been passed to date. According to the research and on-site inspection, Dong Bung Community, Dong Bung Sub-district, Na Dun District, Maha Sarakham, has the paintings of Sang Sin Chai on a temple wall with absolute perfection and elegance. These paintings are the prototype of producing shadow puppets, Molum or traditional performance of Isan region and performance of the Pramotai Petch Isan Team. However, people in this community lack of a clear understanding of Sang Sin Chai. This research aims to find strategies to create and present the process-drama that use Sang Sin Chai as their core and to improve with the participant of the community.  Fifteen youths of the Pramotai Petch Isan Team are participants in the process. The community-based theatre activity is divided into three periods; the first is an analysis of Sang Sin Chai, the second is the collection of community data to reproduce Sang Sin Chai, and the third is to practice and provide a show for the audience in the community. According to the results, the production and presentation of process-drama  use an issue of “To lie for profit” in young people as the major issue and link or compare with Prince V and VI characters, and Sang Sin Chai is then reproduced as represent of individuals, families and Dong Bung Community. The play can communicate contemporary issues and core ideas to the audience and the participants also learn about Sang Sin Chai more deeply as well as learn, understand and realize the community problems, eventually leading to their self-development and change for the better.

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How to Cite
อัคพราหมณ์ พ. (2018). Sang Sin Chai: using folk-literature in the process of creating community-based theatre. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 10(2), 124–142. retrieved from
Research Articles


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