The Thet Mahachat Chapter “The Royal Children” of Duangkaew Looktharua Performance

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ศุถิกา เชตนุช


           The purposes  of this research were: (1) to study the process of Duangkaew Looktharua Performance for The Thet Mahachat Chapter “The Royal Children” , the roles and functions of all sides and (2) to study the performance format of the  appareled  Thet Mmahachat. The researcher uses the method of learning from the document, interview and the participated observe.

           The results of the study were found that there are six steps of the creative process: the objectives of the host to organize the  appareled  Thet Mahachat.  The actors selection for the preacher monk and the actors.  The performance preparation ; the actors and the place.  There are three steps for the Thet Mahachat performance; the two preacher monks preach in Pali for the beginning , then the actors will show the story and finally the preacher monks will sing to conclude the story and blesses. Talking behind the scene for solving the immediate problems when the actors hadn’t arrived yet.  The preacher monk would sing to conclude the story.

           The roles and function have four parts:  the preacher monk would contact and coordinate for the successful objectives of the host.  The musical folk drama would be actors and played in the Vessantara Jataka. They would have the good interaction with the audiences. The musicians would play the music for the good interaction with the actors.  The temple officers would manage the place for the performance “the appareled Thet Mahachat”.

           There are two parts of the performance format :  The composition of the appareled  Thet Mahachat  are the preacher monk , the musical folk drama, the musicians , the costumes , the place and the performance equipments. There are three steps to show Thet Mahachat; opening, story playing and the ending.

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How to Cite
เชตนุช ศ. (2018). The Thet Mahachat Chapter “The Royal Children” of Duangkaew Looktharua Performance. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 10(2), 188–205. retrieved from
Research Articles


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