The sculpture creation of Buddhist Art to commemorate 100 years of Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University
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This research aimed to design and construct the sculpture model of the Buddhist Art to commemorate 100 years of Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University using Brass casting technique. The concept was inspired by the style of Sukothai Buddha statues which the Sukothai features were beautiful, delicate and unique in 32 characteristics of the men. The final design model came from the main concept mixed with the main context of NRRU as the university for develop the local. The result of design and creativity assessment found that the overall of satisfaction is high level (= 4.46, S.D. = 0.20). This complete model was exhibited of “Dedicated to the king Bhumibol” during October, 13 to November, 13 in 2017 at Imagination Art Gallery. The satisfaction of officials and student in NRRU to model of the Buddhist Art commemorate 100 years of Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University were high level (
=4.20, S.D. = 1.20).
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