Factors Affecting Film Scripts Writing which Adapted from Myths and Real Events

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องอาจ หาญชนะวงษ์


        This research aimed to examine the factors and the process of film

scriptwriting which adapted from myths and real events. The national awarded films adapted from acquainted stories among Thais during 1984-2011 have been chosen as the 7th cases study. Data collecting from memorandum and reference documents from those myths and real events, was for assumption to in-depth interview with 7th directors and scriptwriters. The research found that 1) The main factors affecting were persons, as human beings were the most effective characters used for proceeding the story. Regardless of heroes or villains, all reflects some beneficial viewpoints. 2) The story structure had been arranged from back to front, thus the ending was the crucial part with high expectation. Consequently, finding the ending is the first thing to do, then put difficulties to interrupt and let the characters fix the problems to the ending scene. And 3) The scriptwriting process should started from selected 6-8 main sequences, at least 3 sequences should be referred from original stories, then rearranged, linked and made those events sensible.

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How to Cite
หาญชนะวงษ์ อ. (2018). Factors Affecting Film Scripts Writing which Adapted from Myths and Real Events. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 10(2), 253–275. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/fakku/article/view/166921
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