Kanlapaphruek Dance : Choreography for Publicity of Khon Kaen University

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สิทธิรัตน์ ภู่แก้ว


          This research have the objective aim to study, create and propagate the new Choreography the Kanlapaphruek Dance by using the quality research method for study and creation. The inspiration are from the beautiful and the important of the Pink Cassia Flower (Kanlapaphruek) the flower  which were the symbolic of Khon Kaen University. The new Choreography were created by the combination of the Royal classical dance , and I-san cultural folk dance, and presentation through choreography dressing , musical and the lyrics script.

          The  result of this research study found that the newly Kanlapaphruek Dance were the hybrid of the combination between the Royal classical dance and the I-san  cultural  folk dance. The show can be divide into 3 section 1.  Kan Klao Yaowaman (The Kan music and the pretty young girl)  2. Rai Rum Thum Tha Ork Lee Lar Korb Bot Klon (Dancing along with the musical and the lyric poem) and  3. Muan  Saran I-san Ho Saew (Delightful with the I-san music).  The song were composed by Asst.Prof. Chatuporn  Srimuang, the lyrics word have the meaning mentioned about the beautiful color, and the symbolic of the pink cassia flower. The music were composed by Professor Montree Phan Rod. Specify to use Thai Song Lao rhythm, two steps, and also composed the new Lao Song one Step for more exciting at the end of the song.  Using 8 female dancers, dressing imitate the woman in the royal court, using pink and white color to represent the symbolic of the Pink Cassia flower. The choreography or the dancing process divided into  2 process 1. Dancing along with the lyrics poem, using the  choreograph or dancing model from the Royal Classical dance such as, slow melody, Quick melody , Basic step the vocabulary and the special language for the classical dance. And 2. Dancing along with the I-san musical performance, modified the dancing step from the Long drum I-san dancing , (Rum Klong Yao) and therefor the maner characteristic of the dancer were slating, knee bending  and quick stepping.

           The  Kanlapaphruek Dance were the  result from the research study of the olden classical dance knowledge , in order to develop to become the new choreography by using those original knowledge , inter grate  with the new idea, the philosophy of the academic of classical dance, the national Artist and modify to become the hybrid choreograph with smooth action, comfortable and happily looking , and consistence with the lyrics opera, music, the dressing , the choreography , and the pattern of moving process , then become the unique characteristic pattern for memorizing to use as the choreography for publicity of Khon Kaen University.


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How to Cite
ภู่แก้ว ส. (2018). Kanlapaphruek Dance : Choreography for Publicity of Khon Kaen University. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 10(2), 350–372. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/fakku/article/view/167028
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