Post-marketing Evaluation of Errors of Notified Cosmetic Products through Automatic Notification System


  • Apistha Subprasert Bureau of Cosmetics and Hazardous Substances Control Food and Drug Administration
  • Chanthonrat Sitthiworanan Department of Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Naresuan University


Notified Cosmetic Product, Cosmetics, Automatic Notification System


This descriptive study was to evaluation of the problems of post-marketing and errors   of the cosmetic products notified through the automatic notification system. The information sampling was conducted on the notified cosmetic products via the automatic notification system from May to July, 2017. The 1,440 sampling products were divided into 40 sections and 36 types which based on the purposes of use of the products. The problems and information error were collected by inspecting the labelling and the advertising of such 1,440 products. The problem was found the information difference between the notified products and the marketed one. The errors were found on 180 products (12.15%). The errors could be divided into 3 groups. The 1st group was the notification of non-cosmetic products as cosmetic products (10.56%), The 2nd group was the illegitimate product’s advertising (50.56%), The 3rdgroup was the problems of concomitant between the trade name and cosmetics name and its constituents (14.44%), their overclaimed or improper names (25%), and the citing of some constituents in the product names to mislead the consumers (21.11%). This study showed that one of the causes of the problems and errors of notified cosmetics products were the honesty and responsibility of some entrepreneurs towards their products notification and the marketed products. Consequently, the government sector should have the vigorous management to improve the potential of human resources of both industry and government agency (both in the central and provincial part) on their realization and responsibility to strictly comply with the law involving cosmetics such as the Cosmetics Act, 2015 and related regulations. Furthermore, information should be periodically published to all related parties including the consumers to capable themselves in considering the proper buying and using the safe cosmetic products. They should also be encouraged to be aware on the advertisement and labeling reading before consuming the cosmetics products for their self-protection


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How to Cite

Subprasert A, Sitthiworanan C. Post-marketing Evaluation of Errors of Notified Cosmetic Products through Automatic Notification System. Thai Food and Drug J [internet]. 2019 Mar. 6 [cited 2025 Mar. 3];26(1):23-35. available from:



Research Article