การจัดการภูมิทัศน์วัฒนธรรมเพื่อการท่องเที่ยวกรณีศึกษาสถานีรถไฟลำพูน จังหวัดลำพูน

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วรินทร์ธร ไชยสิทธิ์
วรรักษ์ สุเฌอ


The Cultural Landscape Management for Tourism

: A Case Study of Train Station, Lamphun Province


   The concept of cultural landscape is used as a tool to develop the destination image and maintain local identity. Moreover, it determines the utilization of using space to produce the positive effects for local stakeholders.

The Lamphun train station is located near Lamphun old town, in the North of Thailand. The Lamphun old town is a destination with rich cultural resources and a landscape reflecting the relationship between humans and nature. The development of the railway could enhance the travel demand according to the railway strategy plan, through the extension of the high speed train, the railway infrastructure development plan, and a surrounding area development plan.

Findings for this paper are based on documentary research, observation, survey research and interview research. The guidelines of cultural landscape management for the Lamphun train station is divided into 3 parts: 1). the conservation plan of the old Manila building style 2). The concept of the new building, based on local cultural resources 3). The improvement of the abandoned area around the Lamphun train station. These guidelines will be used to improve the tourist destination image, focusing on local cultural preservation and rehabilitation and to promote tourism in the area. It provides a way to produce a positive effect for tourism demand and economic development. Otherwise, the research also shows a process of cultural landscape tourism design in which stakeholders, alongside members from the public and private sector, which can be adapted as a guideline in other cultural landscape design projects further on.

Article Details

Research article


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