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กันต์ พูนพิพัฒน์



Lanna Mural Painting Photography for Conservation 

      Northern Thailand, also known as the Lanna Kingdom, is a region with a long history where the people were affected by the beauty of nature and the environment. The Lanna Kingdom was also a land of prosperity in all aspects, especially Buddhism which grew dramatically in this Kingdom. The growth of Buddhism in the Lanna Kingdom had many causes. The temple continues to be a center of faith for the people who live in Lanna Kingdom, The populace maintains and creates beautiful things in a wide range of areas. The strong longtime faith in Buddhism has been expressed through magnificent temples and religious structures and objects that convey creative beauty inspired by the faith of the followers. Other amazing, magnificent and beautiful things that can be seen in temples are mural paintings depicting legends related to Buddhism taught people to be better persons and raised their spirits. In addition, mural paintings also portray the tales and environment of the region and also became good historical evidence that would be a useful resource for those who want to study and research. Thus, as an expert photographer,  I was inspired  to use photographs as  mean to record mural paintings and preserve this treasure as long as possible and also to provide  anopportunity for youths and people to appreciate the beauty of Lanna culture.

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