Speech Rhythm of Thai Children Aged 5-7 Years

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ศศิทร นพประไพ


This research/study aimed to analyzed and classified the characteristics of speech rhythm among children aged 5-7 years old. Ten students from La-Or UTIS Demonstration School, five from kindergarten 3 and five from grade 1, participated in this study. The homeroom teachers selected the participants according to the following criteria: age range from 5 to 7 years old, based in Bangkok and using Standard Thai as their native language. The 30-second connected speech of each participant was recorded and each rhythmic unit duration was calculated and averaged. ANOVA was employed to compare and explain the rhythmic unit duration of each group. The results showed a significant difference between stressed and unstressed syllables. It was unclear to specify the type of speech rhythm of a child’s speech. However, it was similar to syllable-timed rhythm as the number of syllables per foot was a few. Apart from that, the emergence of stress-timed rhythm was observed in this age group.


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