Adaptation of Khon Mask Makers form Aspect in Thai society การเปลี่ยนแปลงและการปรับตัวของช่างทำหัวโขนต่อเงือนไขในสังคมไทย
Main Article Content
The Rattanakosin period to the present has been deemed a time with Khon mask-making structure change with internal movements to remain in the occupation as well as the movement to adapt to the market with the society determining the direction of status for Khon mask to play various roles including different form of customers form the past such as the tourists and collectors. From these external factors that affect the survival and internal adjustment of Khon mask makers by increasing the roles of Khon mask makers.
The change of time conditions that affect the adaptation of Khon mask maker consisted of 3 periods: 1. Before B.E. 2500 was the period of uncertainty and overlapping of makers that made the masks for each sector roles overlapping for the bureaucracy and the villagers (Many roles) before clearly becoming a Khon mask makers after B.E. 2468 or after the reduction of the central entertainment system when the overlapped status between the makers was gone and with clearer pattern in the status of Khon makers. It was not the status of the Khon making duties and role of the government involved but the Khon making professional to make a living, 2. After B.E. 2500 was the period when the new trade market was opened due to the conditions of the state affecting the market pattern and the changing market. The era had an internal adaptation pattern to external conditions through the form of production processes and commercial goals. This has resulted in the increase of knowledge and dissemination of masking in various forms. 3. After B.E. 2540 was the period of retreat of the knowledge of masking, among the commercial enhancement of the market mask with middle-class supporters, in the midst of their yearning for the past. All social policies supported their former knowledge, resulting in the change in Khon mask making. The work production was different from general work in the marketplace. But the pattern of craft was changed with the body of knowledge as well.
This article is based on historical data integrated with the in-depth information of the Khon mask makers who has survived from the past and found the maker movement in the social phenomenon. This results in the restructuring of production in each era by proposing adaptation pictures that conform to social change.
Article Details
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