The journal of Language and Linguistics has been published by the Linguistics Department, the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University, since 1982 in order to provide a forum for scholars in the fields of language and linguistics who wish to publish, in Thai or English, academic works in forms of research papers, academic articles and book reviews. The topics accepted by the editorial board include those concerning theoretical linguistics and applied linguistics, language and communication, and language teaching and learning, which contribute new findings or issues in the modus operandi of each particular field and meet international standards. The journal of Language and Linguistics strictly abides by the codes of the Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre (TCI) and undergoes an evaluation process of double-blind peer review. The journal of Language and Linguistics is a biannual publication: issue 1 (January-June) and issue 2 (July-December).

Note. An invited paper is a manuscript (original research article, academic article, or review) solicited by the journal's editor to an author or group of authors who is an expert in a specific field (based on the author's reputation, expertise, or previous work). A publication from such author(s) is used to help the journal highlight new insights and specific areas of research related to linguistics or applied linguistics. Invited papers are subject to the standard peer-review process (by the editor and at least two members of the Editorial Board) before being accepted for publication.

The submission fees for academic journals


Following the announcement of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University, regarding the submission fees for academic journals in 2022, as recorded in meeting No.5/2021 on October 5, 2021, the committee unanimously agreed to set submission fees to scholarly journals as follows:

1) The Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University, will charge submission fees from submitters sending their manuscripts to the faculty's journal, which is in the TCI Tier 1 database. This amendment will take effect from January 1, 2022, onward.

2) The authors must pay the publication fees after the Editors approve their manuscripts. The fees are as follows:
2.1) For those who are affiliated with the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University
               2.1.1 1,500 Baht per manuscript for students;
               2.1.2 2,000 Baht per manuscript for instructors/ staff;  
2.2) 3,500 Baht for authors who are not affiliated with the Faculty of Liberal Arts.

3) There will be no refund after the payment.


Peer reviewers


Journal of Languages and Linguistics is a peer-reviewed journal, having been publishing continuously for more than 39 years. On behalf of the editorial board, we would like to thank you for submitting your work with Languages and Linguistics. 

In reference to the Notification of the Civil Service Commission on Academic Ranking Appointment Request (4th) issued on 5 July B.E. 2564 (2021), we would like to inform you that in the future there will be at least three peer reviewers from different institutions, starting from the 40th year or 2022.

Languages and Linguistics Editor

Vol. 42 No. 2 (2024): July-December

View All Issues

ISSN 0857-1406 (Print)

ISSN 2672-9881 (Online)

Indexed in tci