Legal Problems of Non Alcoholic Canned Beverage


  • กันต์หทัย เรือนก้อน หลักสูตรนิติศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม


Consumer Protection Act, Canned Beverage, Fruity and Veggie Beverage


This thesis aims to study the laws relating to the non-alcoholic canned beverages, which do not have enough measures to protect consumers, especially compared to the international laws, such as the problems of food label, advertisement, state agency, and legal problems including civil, criminal, and administrative punishment, in order to solve the legal problems to make consumer feel relieved and saved. After a detailed study, the researcher suggests a means to solve the current problems, namely: labeling allergic substances of the products containing juices; providing laws that regulate and supervise the advertisement of beverage that has high sugar, fat, and sodium contents to protect children; issuing rules, criteria, or promulgation specifically for non-alcoholic canned beverages containing juices; establishing an agency responsible for regulating and monitoring the sales, labels, advertisement, and the manufacturing process; utilizing an accountability principle seriously in Thailand to make it fair for the consumers and proof without expenses for the products, process of which make the damage, by just proving the carelessness enough to determine the defect of the products; imposing more severe and stricter punishments, by adjusting the French model and apply it to the model in Thailand to be clear and decisive. Furthermore, applying a yearly random check by government agencies on sample of goods in Thailand, which can make consumers feel saved and confident in choosing the products, including fairness to both entrepreneurs and consumers.


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How to Cite

เรือนก้อน ก. (2018). Legal Problems of Non Alcoholic Canned Beverage. Huachiew Chalermprakiet Law Journal, 8(2), 14–32. Retrieved from



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