The Effects of Foot Massage for Pain Relief in Post Caesarean Mothers


  • วิลาวัลย์ สูท
  • สร้อย อนุสรณ์ธีรกุล
  • วิชัย อึงพินิจพงศ์


foot massage, pain


The purpose of this study was to investigatethe efficacy of foot massage on pain in post caesareanmothers. Thirty two post caesarean mothers duringthe first 24-48 hours from Khon Kaen Hospital wereallocated into two groups. The first group was theexperimental group and the other was the control group.Foot massage was administered for 10 minutes on theexperimental group. The control group received 10minutes of touching on feet and legs without anypressure. Both groups were assessed for pain intensitybefore and immediately after intervention, and amountof analgesic drugs used within 24 hours afterintervention. Participants in the experimental groupwere assessed for pain intensity at the time scale of2 and 4 hours after intervention. The instruments usedfor this research  were  handbook of foot massage,questionnaires and the Numeric Rating Scale of painwith reliability coefficient of 0.859.The results of this study showed that theparticipants in the experimental group experienceda significant decrease in pain scores as comparedto the control group. However the amount of analgesicdrugs used within 24 hours after intervention wasnot significantly different between the two groups.The results at the time scale of 2 hours showedsignificant decreases in pain scores  whereas,at the time scale of 4 hours showed not significantdecrease in pain scores.It is concluded that 10 minutes of foot massagecauses a significant reduction of pain intensity forimmediately and 2 hours after intervention.




How to Cite

สูท ว, อนุสรณ์ธีรกุล ส, อึงพินิจพงศ์ ว. The Effects of Foot Massage for Pain Relief in Post Caesarean Mothers. J Nurs Sci Health [อินเทอร์เน็ต]. 16 มีนาคม 2012 [อ้างถึง 23 กุมภาพันธ์ 2025];32(4):64-72. available at: