Pattern of Learning to Promote HIV Infected Prevention in Nursing Practice among Nursing Students


  • สร้อย อนุสรณ์ธีรกุล
  • ขนิษฐา วรธงชัย
  • อุุสาห์ ศุภรพันธ์
  • พิเซษฐ์ เรืองสุขสุด
  • ดลวิวัฒน์ แสนโสม


The purpose of this study was to developthe pattern of learning to promote HIV infectedprevention in nursing practice among nursingstudents. The sample was 160 1st to 4th year nursingstudents. Web-based instruction guideline topromote HIV infected prevention was used asthe intervention. Time, period, and frequency usingwere depended on each student. Knowledgewas compared before and after while opinion,satisfaction, and group discussion were evaluatedpost-test only. Descriptive and paired t-test wereused for data analysis. The result of this study revealedthat the majority of the students (88.75%) hadlow knowledge level on HIV prevention at pre-test(x = 26.04, SD = 3.44) and statistically significantlyincreased after post-test (x = 34.96, SD = 3.18,p < 0.001).  Ninety percent of the students ratedtheir overall satisfaction toward web-based learningat moderate level. When asked for their satisfactionon content, 66.88% of them satisfaction towardlesson content at most level, 67.74 % and 58.60 %of them reported moderately satisfaction towardE-learning and accessibility  respectively.




How to Cite

อนุสรณ์ธีรกุล ส, วรธงชัย ข, ศุภรพันธ์ อ, เรืองสุขสุด พ, แสนโสม ด. Pattern of Learning to Promote HIV Infected Prevention in Nursing Practice among Nursing Students. J Nurs Sci Health [อินเทอร์เน็ต]. 16 มีนาคม 2012 [อ้างถึง 21 กุมภาพันธ์ 2025];32(3):69-7. available at: