ทุนทางสังคม Social Capital

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ดร.ไมตรี อินเตรียะ


           Social Capital is defined as components that made up human daily lives such as social images, relationships, and communication. Creating social capital in communities started with investments in interpersonal relationships such as neighborhood associations and group identification. Social investments provide social rewards which benefits members of the community including friendship, altruism, and empathy.

          Derived from the theory of social investments as a result of socioeconomic collapses, a solution proposed for Thailand is the combination of sympathy, empathy, altruism, community, and local knowledge. Local cultures, beliefs, and community’s capabilities deem the finest treasures of Thai society is what weaved Thai people together. However, various dimensions of social values affect the cultural norms which is the pillar that encompassed Thai society.  Social capital is the value descended from Thai ancestors as humans passed on knowledge, wisdom, skills, morality, discipline, and responsibility.  Work culture creates social connections and motivates altruism in many forms such as compassion, self-worth, integrity, and responsibility to local traditions and local knowledge. Local knowledge and traditions can be seen through the four fundamental factors of human needs. Human capabilities, environments, and management of public services comprised of various cognitive theories; however, the cognitive implications related to the results can be seen in human networking and process of social acceptance. Mutual agreement between communities is significant to stimulate self-study as well as study of social behaviors and interpersonal relationships that encourages trusts and higher social capital.

          Social capital belongs to all members of the community; the more is needed, the more it affects peace and serenity. Members of the community connected through trust, empathy, and altruism activities that propagates local knowledge and social capital. Nature of altruism comprised of beliefs, ideas, and inventions in theory and practicality that enables humans to coexist. Local knowledge and traditional values of Thai society together can be considered a social capital that is a torch passed for many generations.


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