Creation of Healthy Life with Bojjhanga in Buddhism

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สุภาพรรณ กลิ่นนาค



The objectives of this thesis were1) to study the creation of healthy life with the principles of Bojjhanga in Buddhism, 2) to integrate the creation of wealthy life with the principles of Bojjhanga, and 3) to propose a guideline and new body of knowledge concerning “a model of creation of healthy life integrated with the principles of Bojjhanga in Buddhism”. The study employed documentary qualitative method conducting an in-depth interview, focus group and information were analyzed using descriptive.The results were indicatedthatthe healthy life in general are the physical, mental happiness, healthiness and refers the state being free from suffering bywell-being that can be created by oneself. Bojjhanga is a group of principles leading to the enlightenment and composed of mindfulness, truth investigation, effort, rapture, tranquility, concentration and equanimity. For the perfect healthy life, every item must completely work together.

To integrate Bojjhangain Buddhism in the creation of healthy life, the practitioners should develop each item in Bojjhanga through mindfulness cultivation and practice regularly and continuously as a part of daily life. The practice is started from the four principles of development and continued with the four fundamental principles of mindfulness.The guideline and body of knowledge concerning the creation of healthy life with Bojjhanga in Buddhism could be concluded in “HPRCBH Model” by following.

H :Healthy and Bright

P : Pleasurable and Liberal

R : Realizing the true life and things

C : Calm and Peaceful

B :Bojjhanga

H : Happiness life


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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)