Assessment of Nurses’ Quality of Life

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Sasiwimol Panuraj
Yaowarat Matchim


Nurses are healthcare providers who work closely with patients and families. Caring for suffering patients, knowing about the patients’ suffering and being with them for a long period of time may affect nurses’ quality of life in positive and negative ways. The positive way relates to compassion satisfaction. The negative way relates to compassion fatigue and low quality of working outcomes. Assessment nurses’ quality of life by using particular instruments will be beneficial for nurses and their organizations. This article described concepts of nurses’ quality of life, instruments for assessing nurses’ quality of life and related research studies, as well as guidance for using the instruments.

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How to Cite
Panuraj, S., & Matchim, Y. (2018). Assessment of Nurses’ Quality of Life. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 38(1), 129–143. Retrieved from


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