The Relationship between Buddha Relics and the Establishment of Cities on the Chiang Saen Basin

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ศิริศักดิ์ อภิศักดิ์มนตรี
ธณิกานต์ วรธรรมานนท์


Nagaphanthu Singhanawatti, Hirannakhorn-ngoenyang and Chiang
Saen. All of these rose and then fell, respectively, and also related to five
Buddhas which appear in Bhadda Kappa. The accession to the throne and
the disappearance of King’s dynasty in four ancient cities were related to
the Buddhist belief in Phra Samantaraja. It is believed that the disappearance
of the King’s dynasty was a result of not having the proper virtues and
not following ancient traditions. On Chiang Saen Basin, there is Phra That
Doi Tung, an important stupa containing Buddha’s relic, which was established
in the Yonok Nagaphanthu Singhanawatti period. The importance of Phra
That Doi Tung is related to the accession to the throne of Kings in
Hirannakhorn-ngoenyang and was important along the Mang Rai dynasty.

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How to Cite
อภิศักดิ์มนตรี ศ., & วรธรรมานนท์ ธ. (2017). The Relationship between Buddha Relics and the Establishment of Cities on the Chiang Saen Basin. Parichart Journal, 30(2), 121–143. Retrieved from
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