Development of a Writing Teaching Model Based on the Integration of Three Teaching Concepts to Enhance Higher-Order Thinking Skills and Writing Achievement of Upper Secondary Level Students

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ไชยวัฒน์ ชุ่มนาเสียว


This research contains objectives to 1) develop the writing teaching model based on the integration of three teaching concepts to enhance higher-order thinking skills and writing achievement of upper secondary level students, 2) evaluate the effectiveness of writing teaching model based on the integration of three teaching concepts by 2.1) compare thinking skills of upper secondary level students one of whom are taught writing using the developed writing teaching model while the other group are taught with normal writing teaching method, 2.2) compare higher-order thinking skill of upper secondary level students between pre-learning and post-learning from the writing teaching model that has been developed and 2.3) compare writing achievement between the group of students who are taught by the developed writing teaching model with the other students who are taught with normal writing teaching model. Samples used in this research are 10th grade students in upper secondary level of Chatturat Wittayakharn School, Chatturat District, Chaiyaphum Province and 2 groups of students are randomized from 2 classrooms. The experimental group  are 39 students and control group are 40 students. Tools used in this research are 1) lesson plan concerning writing essays 2) evaluation formats for assessing 2 higher-order thinking skills which are analyze and creativity. Statistics used to analyze information are average, standard deviation and t-test.

          The findings from the research are 1) the writing teaching model based on the integration of three teaching concepts contains the major 4 factors of teaching formats which are principle, objectives, learning processes and assessment, 2) evaluation result of the writing teaching model are 2.1) the experimental group gain higher average higher-order thinking skills than the control group with significant statistics .05, 2.2)  the experimental group gain higher-order thinking skills after learning with significant statistic of .05 and 2.3) the achievement of writing skills of the experimental group were higher than of the control groups with significant statistic .05.

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How to Cite
ชุ่มนาเสียว ไ. (2019). Development of a Writing Teaching Model Based on the Integration of Three Teaching Concepts to Enhance Higher-Order Thinking Skills and Writing Achievement of Upper Secondary Level Students. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(1), 53–65. retrieved from
Research Article


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