A Capacity Reinforcement through Community’s Involvement for Sustainable Tourism Development in Chanthaburi Province

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รัจน์ชีวาต์ ตั๋นติกุลวรา
สุทธินันท์ โสตวิถี


The purposes of this research were to study a community’s capacity for sustainable tourism development in Chanthaburi province, to construct and test a community’s capacity reinforcement model through tourism sustainable development in Chanthaburi province. It was a mixed-method research between the survey research, the data were collected with the 400 representatives of three Chanthaburi’s community tourism network groups from the government sectors, the private sectors, and the public sectors by using a questionnaire as a research tool, and the experimental research, that the 30 tourism network representatives  were purposive to workshop through knowledge management process, constructed a community’s capacity reinforcement model through tourism sustainable development in Chanthaburi province and evaluated a pretest-posttest method with the test form. The data was analysed by using the descriptive statistic, multiple regression, and the paired-sample t-test.

The results of this study revealed that a capacity of communities are correlated to the sustainable tourism development in Chanthaburi province. Thus, the capacity’s variable in respect to the areas of knowledge, attitude, skills, and involvement toward the sustainable tourism development. A model was constructed that would be conductive to actualizing the capacity reinforcement for sustainable tourism development in workshop, all variables were suitable to the capacity reinforcement regarding to the sustainable tourism development.    And during the variables test was found that the capacity’s variables are significantly correlated   with the sustainable tourism development at the .05 level, and the pretest-posttest capacity of Chanthaburi tourism network representatives found that the capacity score of posttest workshop is significantly higher than the pretest workshop at .05 level.  

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How to Cite
ตั๋นติกุลวรา ร., & โสตวิถี ส. (2019). A Capacity Reinforcement through Community’s Involvement for Sustainable Tourism Development in Chanthaburi Province. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(1), 92–105. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pnuhuso/article/view/154609
Research Article


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