“Modern Khruba”, Lan Na Cultural Values for Global Devotees

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Pisith Nasee


Khruba, or also known as charismatic monks, have rose to a position of great prominence in Lan Na-Thai Buddhist society since B.E. 2530s (1987). Composed of heterogeneous beliefs and practices, the proliferation of Khruba does not reflect the return of “ancient” Khruba tradition or the continuation of the past. Instead, it emerges out of the contemporary societal and cultural needs for the production of translocalities under the context of globalization against the flourishing of popular Buddhism and prosperity religions. Rise of “modern” Khruba is also attributed to the middle class which represents the dynamics of Buddhist society in national, regional and global dimensions. Khruba have now become translocal figures for global devotees. This paper argues that the concept of Khruba, its meaning and forms, have never been linear and static and suggests that it is constantly being redefined, re-evaluated and re-interpreted. Drawing on archival sources, in-depth interviews and participatory observation during 2014-2016, this paper investigates “Modern” Khruba as actors in their encounters with the global culture. This paper concludes that making Khruba charisma possible for being absorbed and reconstructed by different groups of people is one of the key success factors of “modern” Khruba.

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How to Cite
Nasee, P. (2018). “Modern Khruba”, Lan Na Cultural Values for Global Devotees. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 9(2), 49–86. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/polscicmujournal/article/view/108134
Research Article


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