Nationality Less Children’s Education Right, in Case Study of Ban Pong Noi School, Amphoe Muang, Chiang Mai Province

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Wasan Pounpunwong


The research of the Nationality less Children’s Education right, in case study of Ban Pong Noi School, Amphoe Muang, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand had two objectives (1) to study about their ability to be educated and (2) to study about the management of Ban Pong Noi school to do with Nationality less Children. The Study was Qualitative research follow to social sciences research design, using in-depth interview and observation, furthermore data collection from related documents, researches and field survey methods.

It was found that, part of student of Ban Pong Noi School are Nationality less Children who immigrated to this area and ignored by government to get civil status. They are descendant of alienate worker who work for local employer in and nearby this area. Ban Pong Noi school obey the National Education Act and constitution which notice that everybody must be educated the basic Education in at least 12 years due to state management without any expense. Student affirmative criterion of Ban Pong Noi School is not different from nationality Children, even though these children have no any permit document to show that they are Thai, by the way School has considered an education without racial discrimination which inure to allow the nationality less children to be educated and equal to get education like other nationality children. It’s conform to the laws and rules even more, it’s the management policies of school. The education management of Ban Pong Noi school places importance on education right of nationality less children which according to the rules of education ministry.

Practical recommendation in this research had two point (1) Education right dispensation must aware to pragmatic focus on development of knowledge and abilities for living with others in society. (2) Education right dispensation must aware to all equality for the Nationality less Children’s access to education opportunities thoroughly and uniformly with others base on Human Dignity. Moreover, in this research had Policy recommendation is the state agency and organization involved must wear to practical planning access to the Nationality less Children’s Education right without legal principles only but regardless of the importance of human dignity and the mentality of Nationality less Children’s.

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How to Cite
Pounpunwong, W. (2018). Nationality Less Children’s Education Right, in Case Study of Ban Pong Noi School, Amphoe Muang, Chiang Mai Province. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 9(2), 123–156. retrieved from
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