Strategic Management of Social Enterprise to Thailand 4.0

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นงคราญ ไชยเมือง
จิรัฎฐ์ กาญจน์บุญเรือง


The academic article titled "Strategic Management of Social Enterprise to Thailand 4.0” was written with the aim to present the necessity of developing strategic management in the hopes that social enterprises would operate their organizations the same way private ones do. However, the most significant goal is that they would return the profit gained from their businesses to society and environment which are coordinated in terms of existence, philosophy, process and goal in order to comply with Thailand 4.0 focusing on “Stability, Prosperity, and Sustainability,” on a condition that each factor still works independently. For strategic management, it involves the essential principle of “PPPS”, referring to People, Planet, Profit, and Sustainability, and 2 important dimensions. The first dimension is management philosophy. In order to develop social enterprises to become sustainable self-reliance, the management philosophy employs 4 principles namely the concept of financial conservative, sensitivity to changing environment, cohesive and strong sense of Identity, and high tolerance to new ideas. The second dimension is a strategic management process because it systematically involves defining the vision, mission, objectives, strategies and policies, including the monitoring and evaluation of social enterprises.

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How to Cite
ไชยเมือง น., & กาญจน์บุญเรือง จ. (2018). Strategic Management of Social Enterprise to Thailand 4.0. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 28(1), 1–18.
Academic Articles


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