Accounting with Local Church

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พิกุล พงษ์กลาง


A local church is a community of Christian congregations. The most of their revenue are come from the offerings of the faithful members, while their expenditure are in necessary areas. Moreover, the local churches have their own properties that come from their own purchase and some of them come from the donation. Thus,
the revenue of each local church is not in the same values and from this point, the church must have the financial management in order to collect the financial data for preparing the financial report. The accurate and appropriate financial report should be come from a good accounting process and procedure. The good accounting data system will help the church administrators planned for an effective management. Apart from the good accounting system, the church have to follow the accounting process by collecting, checking and recording all accounting documents, follow accounting practices, have adequate  accounting equipment and tools and the internal audit. The good accounting data will help to manage the church to be a sustainable church.

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How to Cite
พงษ์กลาง พ. (2018). Accounting with Local Church. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 28(1), 19–29.
Academic Articles


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